Vollständige Version anzeigen : Sonstige Arbeiten und Berichte

  1. Limiting Factors and Behavioral Ecology of Four Loricariid Catfishes
  2. Ichthyofauna in a terra firme forest stream of the Colombian Amazonia
  3. S
  4. Aquatic habitats, fish and invertebrate assemblages of the Middle Paran
  5. Panaque - Respiration in wood-eating catfishes
  6. Ancistrus: Vermehrung, Evolution, Tentakel, Larven-Mimikry
  7. Darmatmung - Loricariiden
  8. Dictionary of Ichthyology
  9. Ichthyofauna of two streams
  10. The Eye
  11. Tracking wakes: The nocturnal predatory strategy of piscivorous catfish
  12. Rhinelepis strigosa: Stoffwechsel
  13. Nahrungsnetz, auch mit Welsen
  14. Aspidoras im Rio Parana
  15. Wachstum und
  16. Panaque - 3 D
  17. Araguaia Xingu Expedition 2004 (ACSI)
  18. Fish Assemblages of Tropical Floodplain Lagoons
  19. Putzerverhalten - Platydoras costatus
  20. Local fish extinction in a small tropical lake in Brazil
  21. Expedition S
  22. Geschlechtsdimorphismus bei Siluriformes und Gymnotiformes
  23. Futterspektrum Roter Neon im nat
  24. Flooded Forests - Fischern
  25. Gonadal structure and gametogenesis of Loricaria lentiginosa
  26. Loricariiden auf den Philippinen
  27. Caudal-Skelett Siluriformes
  28. The second ural centrum in Siluriformes
  29. Historia Natural do Brasil - 1648
  30. Jools, Shane, Whitepine auf Tour
  31. Arbeiten zur Artenentstehung
  32. Darmatmung Hoplosternum und Brochis
  33. Suchmaske, welcher Wels kommt wo vor ...
  34. Welse zwinkern...
  35. Das NEODAT II Projekt
  36. Biodiversity and Conservation - Hypertext-Buch
  37. Welcome to the wonderful world of wood-eating catfish !
  38. Fish Mapper
  39. Communication in Fishes
  40. The Royal Society - bis Dezember online
  41. Glossar der Bio-Technologie
  42. Wissenschaftliche Seite über Welse
  43. Dietary histories of herbivorous loricariid catfishes: evidence from δ13C values of o
  44. "Brasiliens Schande" - National Geographic
  45. [FYI] Fortpflanzungsbiologie der Aquarienfische Günstiger!
  46. Ontogeny and functional morphology of a ...
  47. Der Luftatmungs-Kreislauf von Hoplosternum littorale
  48. Inzucht
  49. Namensauktion und Lachs-Forellen
  50. Genetische Effekte künstlicher Aufzucht (Achtung, Welsfrei!)
  51. Artikel zur Phylogenese
  52. Cytogenetic characterization of Hypostomus nigromaculatus
  53. Assessing phylogenetic dependence of morphological traits using co-inertia prior to investigate character evolution in Loricariinae catfishes
  54. Morphology of gonads, maturity and spawning season of Loricariichthys spixii (Siluriformes, Loricariidae) in a Subtropical Reservoir
  55. ACSI Sammelreise "The `Pipe´ Expedition"
  56. Mal genauer hingesehen !
  57. Gattungsdefinitionen von Liposarcus, Glyptoperichthys und Pterygoplichthys
  58. Size matters: diversity in swimbladders and Weberian ossicles affects hearing in catfishes
  59. Genetic variability in four samples of Neoplecostomus yapo (Teleostei: Loricariidae) from the rio Paranapanema basin, Brazil
  60. The role of vegetated areas on fish assemblage of the Paraná River floodplain: effects of different hydrological conditions
  61. Sehenswert! Nico et al. 2009
  62. On the Origin of Species by Natural and Sexual Selection
  63. Chromosome polymorphism in Ancistrus cuiabae Knaack, 1999, (Siluriformes: Loricariidae: Ancistrini)
  64. Evolution in action
  65. Amazonas 28, L411 Bericht von Mäse !
  66. Variation in energy density of Loricariichthys platymetopon (Siluriformes: Loricariidae) in the upper Paraná River basin
  67. Competition and phylogeny determine community structure in Müllerian co-mimics
  68. Do some catfish really eat wood?
  69. Zuchtbericht
  70. ... und es geht immer weiter...
  71. Morphological and functional diversity of the mandible in suckermouth armored catfishes (Siluriformes: Loricariidae)
  72. Tropical Forests
  73. The Fishes of Tennessee
  74. New record of Pterygoplichthys disjunctivus (Actinopterygii: Loricariidae) in the mouth of Coahuayana River, Coahuayana, Michoacan, Mexico
  75. Shelter selection in the Amazonian zebra pleco, Hypancistrus zebra Isbrücker & Nijissen, 1991 (Siluriformes: Loricariidae): requirements in rearing co
  76. Catfishes as prey items of Potamotrygonid stingrays in the Solimões and Negro rivers, Brazilian Amazon
  77. Loricariid invasion in Africa
  78. Peixes do Rio Madeira
  79. The origins of adipose fins
  80. BUCHBESTELLUNG: Fishes of the Fitzcarrald, Peruvian Amazon
  81. Peixes da planÃ*cie de inundação do alto rio Paraná e áreas adjacentes
  82. Wandernde Fische in Kolumbien - Peces migratorios de Colombia
  83. Wie Dämme die Fischartengemeinschaften beeinflussen
  84. Freshwater Fish List
  85. Physical Mapping of the 5S and 18S rDNA in Ten Species of Hypostomus Lacépède 1803 (Siluriformes: Loricariidae): Evolutionary Tendencies in the Genus
  86. Preferência Alimentar do Hypancistrus zebra e do Pterygoplichthys etentaculatus (Loricaridae)
  87. Aspectos da reprodução induzida do acari-zebra Hypancistrus zebra Isbrücker e Nijssen, 1991 (Siluriformes, Loricariidae) em condições de laboratório
  88. Growth performance of the zebra pleco (Hypancistrus zebra) with different food sources
  89. Utilização da Microscopia Eletrônica Transmissão para a Descrição da Gametogênese de Acari Zebra (Hypacistrus zebra, Isbrucker & Nissen, 1991) do Rio
  90. Alte Literatur mit Fokus auf Hypostomus und Farlowella
  91. Zierfische in Gefahr
  92. Besuch bei Robert Budrovcan
  93. Nitrogenase diversity and activity in the gastrointestinal tract of the wood-eating catfish Panaque nigrolineatus
  94. "Reprodução in vitro e criopreservação de gametas do cascudo zebra imperial ("Hypancistrus zebra") como ferramentas para conservação da espécie"
  95. Rauther, M. 1911, Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Panzerwelse. Zool. Jb., Anat. 31: 497-528.
  96. Integrated cytogenetic and mitochondrial DNA analyses indicate that two different phenotypes of Hypancistrus (L066 and L333) belong to the same specie
  97. Transcontinental dispersal, ecological opportunity and origins of an adaptive radiation in the neotropical catfish genus Hypostomus
  98. Stream ichthyofauna of the Tapajós National Forest, Pará, Brazil
  99. Cytogenetic analysis of Baryancistrus xanthellus (Siluriformes: Loricariidae: Ancistrini), an ornamental fish endemic to the Xingu River, Brazil.
  100. On the type locality of Sorubim trigonocephalus Miranda-Ribeiro, 1920 (Siluriformes: Pimelodidae)
  101. Densidade de estocagem em juvenis Hypancistrus zebra
  102. The mitochondrial genome of Hypancistrus zebra (Isbrücker & Nijssen, 1991) (Siluriformes: Loricariidae), an endangered ornamental fish from the Brazil
  103. Fische Kolumbiens
  104. Stress and welfare in ornamental fishes: what can be learned from aquaculture?
  105. Peixes ornamentais do rio xingu: manutenção e reprodução do Acari zebra Hypancistrus zebra Isbrücker & Nijssen, 1991 (Siluriformes, Loricariidae) em c
  106. Oocyte growth, follicular complex formation and extracellular-matrix remodeling in ovarian maturation of the imperial zebra pleco fish Hypancistrus ze
  107. Viabilidade econômica da produção do cascudo-zebra Hypancistrus Zebra ISBRÜCKER e NIJSSEN, 1991 em sistema de recirculação
  108. Rückgang heimischer Fischarten – invasive Arten nehmen zu
  109. Lichtverschmutzung in der Aquaristik
  110. Fischmafia und Polizeischutz: Der teuerste Zierfisch der Welt
  111. Update zur Situation von L 46
  112. Hypancistrus zebra
  113. Wie Aquarianer zum Erhalt bedrohter Arten beitragen
  114. Bericht zur genetischen Vielfalt von Baryancistrus xanthellus
  115. Schutz und Handel mit Hypancistrus-Zebra
  116. Viability of Natural Populations of Hypancistrus zebra (Siluriformes, Loricariidae), Xingu, Brazil
  117. Trafficking of ornamental fish in the brazilian amazon