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Alt 27.09.2014, 09:41   #1
Benutzerbild von Jacqueline
Registriert seit: 29.10.2010
Ort: Holland
Beiträge: 163
Pseudohemiodon Apithanos breeding project

I am a proud owner of 6 Pseudohemiodon Apithanos :d I started out with 4 females, two of them are proven females and have produced fry. https://www.planetcatfish.com/forum/...odon+apithanos

But I needed to find some males. And yesterday I finally collected some which were ordered specially :-)

Here are my females:

Proven female, 1

Proven female, 2

Female 3

Youngest female, 4

The males:

Male 1

Male 2

I tried to stick two pictures together to show the difference in headshape.
First combi is from male 1 and female 1

Combi 2 is from male 2 with female 3

I know it's difficult but you can see the difference in headshape of a proven female and the new male. Imagine a triangle from tip of the nose to the end of the head (beginning of pectorial fins). male have a slightly elongated headshape.

Now all I have to do is prove this by spawning lot's of baby's :YMDAYDREAM: :d :d
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