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Alt 01.09.2005, 20:31   #1
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Resende, E.K. de; Pereira, R.A.C. 2000: Peixes insetivoros e zooplanctofagos da planicie inundaval do Rio Miranda, Pantanal, Mato Grosso do sul, Brasil
Embrapa Pantanal.Boletim des Pesquisa 17

ISSN: 1517-1981

The feeding of insetivorius and zooplanktophagos fishes from four environments in the lower Miranda River were studied (two oxbox lakes, one „vazante“ and one small lagoon). Five species are insetivorous (T.stellatus, R.hahni, P.mucosa e B.splendens), six species are zooplanktophagous (P.Kennedyi, E.benjamini, H.littorale, C.callichthys, B.britski e S.pappaterra) and three species (M.dichrouna, P.paraguayensis e E.trilineata) are insetivorous, zooplanktophagous, or both, depending on the aviability of these organism in the envirenment.
These species and the detritivorous fishes are the base of aquatic foof web in the Pantanal.

Leider auf portoges...aber die Abbildungen sprechen für sich, ebenso die Tabellen. Ein paar highlights bekommt man auch so mit...

Natürliche Nahrung vieler Fische, insbesondere auch einiger Welse.

Geändert von joern (02.09.2005 um 13:11 Uhr).
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