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Alt 26.05.2008, 21:02   #1
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Nine new species of the genus Rineloricaria


für die Fachleute unter uns. Leider in portugiesisch, aber daran wird man sich eben gewöhnen müssen. Ob die Arten aquaristisch je interessant werden, bleibt wohl zu bezweifeln.

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Grüsse Felix
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Alt 27.05.2008, 07:26   #2
Benutzerbild von Norman
Registriert seit: 25.02.2003
Beiträge: 1.757

Um das ganze mal zu vervollständigen:

Miriam S. Ghazzi

Nine new species of the genus Rineloricaria (Siluriformes, Loricariidae) from Uruguay river, southern Brazil.

Abstract: Nine new species of Rineloricaria are described from upper and middle rio Uruguay basin in states of Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina, Brazil. Rineloricaria misionera Rodriguez & Miquelarena, 2005 is the only species currently known from this basin. The new species are diagnosed mainly by abdominal plates arrangement, color pattern, extension of the anterior snout naked area, and fins length. The species described here are endemic to the rio Uruguay. Rineloricaria anitae and R. tropeira are restricted to the tributaries of the rio Canoas and the rio Pelotas; R. zaina is widely distributed from the confluence of the rio Canoas with the rio Pelotas to the rio IbicuÃ*; R.anhanguapitan is restricted to the rio Passo Fundo; R. capitonia occurs in the upper rio IjuÃ*; R. stellata is known from the rio Buricá, rio IjuÃ*, rio Piratini and rio IbicuÃ*; R. setepovos and R. reisi are described from the rio Piratini; and R. sanga is only known from the vicinity of IraÃ*. Comments on the fish diversity of the rio Uruguay and on the variation of abdominal plates in Rineloricaria are made.

Ob die Arten aquaristisch je interessant werden, bleibt wohl zu bezweifeln.
Nach dem ersten Blick dürften bei mir noch 1 Weibchen von R.anhanguapitan und einige R.tropeira bei mir schwimmen.

viele Grüße

Geändert von Norman (27.05.2008 um 07:30 Uhr).
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