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Alt 19.12.2020, 11:23   #1
Karsten S.
Benutzerbild von Karsten S.
Registriert seit: 14.08.2005
Ort: Ludwigsburg
Beiträge: 5.360
Species delimitation in a range-restricted group of cascudinhos (Loricariidae: Epactionotus) supports morph. & gen. diff. across coastal S-Brasil

Species delimitation in a range-restricted group of cascudinhos (Loricariidae: Epactionotus) supports morphological and genetic differentiation across coastal rivers of southern Brazil
Maria Laura S. Delapieve, Tiago P. Carvalho und Roberto E. Reis

Species of Epactionotus are known for inhabiting the rocky-bottom stretches of fastflowing rivers in a limited geographic area along the Atlantic coast of southern Brazil. These species are endemic to single coastal river drainages (two neighboring drainages for E. bilineatus) isolated from each other by the coastal lacustrine environments or the Atlantic Ocean. Epactionotus bilineatus is from the Maquiné and Três Forquilhas river basins, both tributaries of the TramandaÃ* River system, while E. itaimbezinho is endemic to the Mampituba River drainage, and E. gracilis to the Araranguá River drainage. Recent fieldwork in the Atlantic coastal drainages of southern Brazil revealed new populations in the Urussanga, Tubarão, d’Una, and Biguaçu river drainages.
Iterative species delimitation using molecular data (cytochrome oxidase subunit I - COI) and morphology (morphometrics and meristics) were applied to evaluate species recognition of isolated populations. In light of new data, the genus was re-diagnosed; the status of Epactionotus species/populations was reevaluated, formerly described species were supported, and population structure was recognized. As for the newly
discovered populations, both morphological and molecular data strongly support the population from the Biguaçu River drainage, in Santa Catarina State, as a new species. Molecular data revealed strong per basin population structure, which may be related to species habitat specificity and low or no dispersal among drainages.


Die neue Art heisst Epactionotus advenus

Es gibt weitere Populationen (von den Rios Urussanga, Tubarão und d’Una), die offenbar eigenständige Arten darstellen. Diese sind aber in dem Paper noch nicht formal beschrieben, auch wenn sie bereits im Gattungsschlüssel enthalten sind.

Link zum zugangsbeschränkten Paper.


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