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Alt 20.04.2019, 11:24   #1
Karsten S.
Benutzerbild von Karsten S.
Registriert seit: 14.08.2005
Ort: Ludwigsburg
Beiträge: 5.360
New loricariid fishes from headwaters on Serra da Mantiqueira and Complexo do Espinhaço, Minas Gerais State, Brazil

New loricariid fishes from headwaters on Serra da Mantiqueira and Complexo do Espinhaço, Minas Gerais State, Brazil (Teleostei: Siluriformes: Loricariidae).
Joseé C. de Oliveira & Osvaldo T. Oyakawa

Three new species, of three different genera of loricariids, are described from the headwaters of Serra da Mantiqueira and Cadeia do Espinhaço, in Southeastern Minas Gerais State, Brazil. In this region, the Serra da Mantiqueira and the Complexo do Espinhaço are the highest points of the Brazilian Shield and delimits the headwaters of four drainages: São Francisco, Paraná, Doce and ParaÃ*ba do Sul basins. Harttia intermontana, n. sp., is described from the headwaters of the Rio Doce basin and is the first record of the genus in this basin. The new species can be distinguished from its congeners by the pattern of abdominal covering, presence of preanal plates, presence and pattern of ornamentation of canal plate, and some characteristics related to sexual dimorphism. Pareiorhaphis togoroi, n. sp., is described from the headwaters of the Rio das Mortes basin, tributary to the Rio Grande, in the upper Rio Paraná drainage, and represents the first record of the genus to this drainage, thus expanding its geographic distribution. It can be distinguished from most congeners by the absence of preadipose azygous plates, and characteristics related to secondary sexual characters of mature males: presence of odontodes on the lateral margin of head plus the absence of long hypertrophied odontodes on pectoral-fin spine. Neoplecostomus pirangaensis, n. sp., is described from the headwaters of the Rio Piranga, Rio Doce basin. The new species differs from all congeners by the much-reduced dermal platelets on the abdomen, devoid of developed odontodes between the insertions of the pectoral and pelvic fins. Neoplecostomus pirangaensis can also be distinguished from all congeners, except N. botucatu and N. paranensis, due to the complete absence of vestiges of the adipose fin (vs. vestiges, or adipose fin moderate to well developed and always present). The new species differs from N. botucatu by the absence of conspicuous dark spots all over the body and the presence of common dorsal bands in juveniles, and almost totally black in adults. It differs from N. paranensis by the bigger and less numerous teeth. Additionally, the new species differs from Neoplecostomus doceensis by the absence of enlarged fleshy folds between dentaries, and absence of a lateronasal plate.

Zootaxa, 4586(3): 401-424 (Paper leider zugriffsbeschränkt).



Geändert von Karsten S. (20.04.2019 um 11:40 Uhr).
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