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05.06.2005, 00:22 | #1 |
Herr Prof. Obermoserer
Registriert seit: 02.01.2003
Ort: Wien
Beiträge: 4.130
Review of the loricariid catfish genus Aphanotorulus and redescription of A. unicolor
Armbruster, J. W. 1998. Review of the loricariid catfish genus Aphanotorulus and redescription of A. unicolor (Teleostei: Siluriformes).
Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters 8:253-262. Abstract: Geographic Variation within the loricariid genus Aphanotorulus was assessed andtwo species are considered valid, A. ammophilus and A. unicolor. Aphanotorulus chaparae, A. frankei, A. madeirae, A. micropunetatus, and A. popoi are synonyms of A. unicolor. Aphanotorulus ammophilus occurs in the Orinoco drainage while A. unicolor is found in the Rios Japurä, Napo, Marafion, Ucayali, Jurua, Purus, and Madeira of the Amazon drainage and is variable across its range. It is hypothesized that the A. ammophilus and A. unicolor speciated allopatrically after Orinoco and Amazon became separated 5 MYA. PDF (3,45 MB)
Grüße, Walter |